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The mission of Conveaux is to break barriers and build stronger bonds by identifying and eliminating any current, historical, and potential problems that prevent thriving partnerships.


Conveaux is a social impact platform that is designed to empower healthy black relationships, community building, and culture through the use of solution-focused conversations and engaging social events. Alone we don’t have the answers but together we’ll find the solutions. #conveauxandbuild The mission is to address and solve historical and potential barriers that prevent thriving relationships for both couples and singles.


We work passionately on “Breaking Barriers and Building Stronger Bonds”. Conveaux encourages solution-focused work that helps everyone become better for themselves and better for someone else. Since its inception, we have developed unique powerful events and services that focus on the self-development component of the relationship creating platforms to meet the need of individuals, couples, professionals, groups, corporations, and the community. 

"Last night was great! Daniel and I loved it and appreciated the open and honest dialogue with "our people" ❤️.We grew up in a time were black families were purposefully and systematically broken and it's healing to see so many beautiful people who and are trying to evolve from that and determine what it means to be in a reasonable and honest adult relationship and everything in between.”


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